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Green Suburb

Permits and Licensing

Process and Track Permits with Unparalleled Ease


An all-in-one customer service portal for permitting, licensing, inspections, grants management, and online payments.


OpenGov PLC gives you the power to manage all of your permitting and licensing operations without messy spreadsheets or cumbersome software.


With drag-and-drop technology to build workflows, fees, forms, and inspections, you have complete control over the entire process.


With powerful customer service tools, you can empower applicants to conduct government business, including online payments, from the convenience of their home or office.   



Route, approve, and issue permits electronically up to 5x faster than legacy systems



Let applicants apply, pay for, track, and receive their permits or licenses online



Automate license renewals, track high-level progress, and enable online renewals


Manage schedules, access data, and conduct inspections in the field

Permitting, Licensing, and Application User Cases

  • Business Licenses

  • Community Development Permits

  • Health Permits

  • Development Application Approvals

  • Short-term Rental Registration

  • Special Events

Process Automation

Streamline multi-department workflows 

Every record has a workflow where post-submission activity is recorded. Let each submission flow electronically from intake through departmental reviews, automatically assigning steps to the next available employee. Ensure that no permit is ever issued before all required approvals are complete.



Automated workflow for a building permit record

Inspection Management

Simplify inspections scheduling and site visits

Let applicants request dates online, assign inspectors (manually or automatically) and record results digitally into the system during the inspection making information available immediately to staff and applicants.




Intelligent routing ensures inspectors maximise efficiency in their daily routes

Renew Licenses

Completely automate license renewals

Streamline the license renewal process to support improved compliance and internal efficiency. In a few easy steps, completely automate license renewals by type and renewal period, so staff members can focus on higher priority tasks.




Streamline licensing and increase compliance with batched campaign renewals.

Additional Features

Explore your Esri ArcGIS maps in the platform to conduct spatial analysis around development operations
Sync your master address table to bring parcel data into any permit application automatically
Online Payments
Let applicants pay online via credit card and receive direct deposits of permit revenue
Automatically sync daily financial transactions to your accounting system

A Trusted Partner



OpenGov PLC works over HTTPS secure protocols to ensure all data is encrypted. Our cloud data centers are backed by best-in-class security.



Your data is automatically backed up in real-time, so you're never at risk of loss. We target 99.9% system uptime across a nationwide server network.



Ensure your data is always up to date and available to all when you access OpenGov PLC from any web browser on a computer or mobile device.

Find out more about the OpenGov Suite

Let's Talk

See for yourself why over 1,000 public agencies entrust OpenGov to help transform how governments budget, measure performance, and engage the public.

Redman Solutions. ABN 47 119 909 590. NZBN 9429046746931. All Rights Reserved.  ©2024

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